The purpose of a Warrant of Fitness (WoF) is to ensure your vehicle complies with the safety and emission standards set by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). It is a legal document that certifies your car’s roadworthiness and it’s displayed on your vehicle’s windscreen. The government won’t chase you to book a WoF, but you are braking the law if it’s out of date.
You can check the date of a vehicle’s last WoF on the NZTA website.
Most vehicles are required to be kept up to WoF condition at all times to be driven on our roads. Privately operated cars, utes, vans and 4-wheel drives must have a current WoF.
The NZTA website clearly states that “You can be fined if you drive any vehicle that isn’t up to WoF standard on a road. A police officer can stop you for a roadside vehicle check at any time.”
If your car was registered anywhere in the world on or after 1 January 2000 it will need annual WoF inspections for its lifetime.
Some vehicles need a certificate of fitness (CoF) rather that a WoF, these are commercial vehicles and heavy vehicles such as motorhomes, passenger service vehicles including taxis and buses, and rental vehicles.
There are some other vehicles that are exempt from needing a WoF, but none of them are passenger cars. A full list of exempt vehicles is available on the NZTA website.
Most new vehicles, after an initial inspection, won’t need a WoF test until the 3rd anniversary of their first registration.
The length of your valid WoF depends on its age. If your car was registered on or after 1 January 2000, after your first WoF at three years, each WoF will be issued for 12 months. So you’ll need an inspection once a year.
If your car was registered before 1 January 2000, your car’s WoF will only last for 6 months.
When your vehicle passes its WoF inspection, the inspector will apply a WoF label on the inside, driver’s side of your front windscreen. You will need to get your next warrant before the expiry date on the label.
This is an example of a WoF label:
There is not a set price for a WoF inspection. You should expect to pay somewhere between $50 and $75.
If your vehicle fails its WoF inspection, there is no fee for any subsequent inspection as long as it is done within 28 days of the first failed inspection and it’s carried out at the same organisation (it can be a different site if the inspecting organisation operates multiple sites).
Your car should be kept up to WoF condition at all times to be safe, so the lists below are all things that you should check regularly.
WARNING LIGHTS – You shouldn’t ignore warning lights at any time, they are lit for a reason, but if any lights come on in the lead up to your WoF this should be your priority.
The WoF inspector will check your car is in general good condition and that all key equipment of your car is operational. A full guide list is available on the NZTA website, which we’ve condensed here:
There is also a full Vehicle Inspection Requirements Manual available on the NZTA website.
Your car can fail its WoF by any aspect of your vehicle listed above not reaching the safe standard of the WoF inspection.
If your car has failed its WoF, you will receive a report outlining the issues that need to be addressed.
Many vehicles fail on the basis of minor issues, such as dead light bulbs and tyre tread, which you can avoid by preparing for your WoF properly and running through the checklist we’ve provided.
The NZTA website also lists three major issues that they offer advice for if your car has failed its WoF in this area:
If you vehicle is failed due to major, complex or multiple problems that need fixing professionally, there may be significant costs to make your car roadworthy again.
If your vehicle has failed its WoF inspection you cannot drive it on the road unless you’re taking it somewhere to get it repaired and it’s safe enough to do so, or you are taking it to get a new WoF after being repaired.
If your car fails its WoF inspection your options are:
If you pay to have your car repaired after failing because of major issues, you’ll need to have the car re-inspected and have it pass to be able to drive the car again.
If you exceed the 28 days from the initial inspection, a new fee and inspection are required.
If you decide to sell your car you’ll need to make sure that the vehicle can be collected. You’ll also need to make the buyer of the car aware that the car has failed its WoF inspection, not all buyers will purchase WoF fails.
The most common reason for selling a car without a valid WoF is that repairs would cost more than the value of the car. If this is the case, scrapping your car may be the best option. You can get an instant scrap car quote and arrange free collection of your car with CarTakeBack.