This Wednesday is Walk2Work Day – our national day to celebrate walking! Started back in 2009 by Living Streets Aotearoa, this annual day was established to promote walking, its health benefits, and its priority position in the sustainable transport hierarchy. And talking of transport that’s where the cars come in!
We know there’s a lot of you out there that depend on your car and can’t imagine giving it up full time, but don’t write yourselves off for taking part in this important day and maybe even changing the habits of a lifetime!
You can use the opportunity to take the day off work and enjoy your favourite walk, or join a local council event, or simply tackle your usual commute on foot and enjoy the great sense of satisfaction that comes from getting somewhere under your own steam! You can even take part by adding a short walk into your day, whether that’s just for fun in your break, how you get the kids to school, or making your trip to the shops a healthier one.
Getting off your bottom and moving is obviously always going to be the healthier option, but in recent years it’s become increasingly apparent that it’s the reduction of emissions from reduced car use that will bring another level of environmental and health benefits to this campaign.
Car emissions and the resulting air pollution and associated climate change and health issues can be affected by our positive action, and while many of you may need to keep your vehicles, using them less when you can will mean benefits for everyone. Let’s start with Walk2Work day even if that’s just parking the car further from your destination. If that starts you walking more or even hopping on a bike or using public transport as a regular alternative, it will all help.
If you become a complete convert, or of course your old car is at the end of its life, we can help you to get rid of it hassle-free and ensure it’s recycled responsibly.
If we haven’t quite convinced you just yet, let’s look at the Top Ten benefits to ditching the car and walking just 1km (that’s about 1300 steps/walking for 12 minutes). You will:
1: avoid producing around 0.2kgs of carbon emissions – helping the environment and protecting your and your community’s health!
2: save money on the journey – approximately a dollar for every km you walk!
3: use up around 74 calories (for a 70kg person)
4: tone your legs, bum and tum simply by getting to where you need to go!
5: gain energy for your day ahead, walking regularly is even supposed to improve balance and coordination
6: lift your mood
7: be more productive at work!
8: be able to socialise with friends and community on the way
9: reduce disease risk and improve heart health
10: improve the environment of your community – less congestion, better air quality, more social interactions!
Don’t forget, you can walk almost anywhere, at any time, in any weather, for free.
We’re sold!
Enjoy Walk2Work day however you choose to get involved. And if you decide to ditch your car for longer than the day, be sure to get in touch with us when you need it recycling responsibly. Every little thing we can do to protect the environment and our health will make a difference.